Ta’jillah Ibnu Fridyatma/ Moh Ahsan, S.Kom


Edukasi go green dibutuhkan dan harus diberikan kepada anak sejak dini agar mereka
mengerti dan tidak merusak lingkungan. Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup di Indonesia telah
diupayakan oleh berbagai pihak sejak awal tahun 1970-an oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup
(KLH). Game bisa menjadi salah satu media promosi untuk menyampaikan suatu gagasan atau
informasi dengan cara yang menarik. Sifat dasar yang menantang (challenging), membuat
ketagihan (addicted) dan menyenangkan (fun) bagi mereka yang menyukai permainan modern ini.
Pembuatan game ini melalui proses use case, activity diagram dan implementasi program
pada smartphone berbasis android. Penelitian ini menghasilkan game edukasi go green “Mr.
Trashman†Menggunakan Adobe Flash yang efektif sebagai media informasi sekaligus edukasi bagi
Kata kunci : Go green, Game, Flash, Edukasi
Education about go green is needed and should be given to children from the early
age. Its aims are to make the students know and understand their environment. Besides
previous caims, the students hopefully can maintain and keep the environment.
Environmental education in Indonesia has been attempted by various parties since the
early 1970s by the Ministry of Environment (KLH). There are many various media for
campaint. One of them is game. Game can be one of the media to convey an idea or
information in an interesting way. The nature of the challenging makes addiction and fun
for those who like modern games.
Making this game is through process of the use case, activity diagram and program
implemented on Android-based smart phones. This research produces educational games
about go green entitled "Mr. Trashman" using Adobe Flash. This game is effective media of
information and education for players.
Keywords : Go green, Game, Flash


Ta’jillah Ibnu Fridyatma/ Moh Ahsan, S.Kom
fridytajil@unikama.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Moh Ahsan, S.Kom, T. I. F. (2015). RANCANG BANGUN GAME EDUKASI GO GREEN “Mr.Trashman” MENGGUNAKAN ADOBE FLASH. IMASAKTI urnal iset ahasiswa idang eknologi nformasi, 2(2). etrieved from http://ejournal.unikama.ac.id/index.php/JFTI/article/view/568
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