Efektivitas Bimbingan Klasikal Metode Game Based Learning Berbasis Digital dalam Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Siswa

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Farihatun Nisa
Ris Sumaryani
Sigit Hariyadi


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of classical guidance services using digital-based game-based learning methods to improve students' self-efficacy. This study is an action research on guidance and counseling. The subjects of the study were students of class VIII H of SMP Negeri 31 Semarang. Students' self-efficacy was measured using a self-efficacy scale which was then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that in the pre-cycle, the percentage of self-efficacy was 56%, then given action in cycle I, self-efficacy increased to 62%, and then followed up in cycle II, there was also an increase in the level of student self-efficacy to 67%. Thus, it can be concluded that classical guidance using digital-based game-based learning methods is effective in improving students' self-efficacy

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How to Cite
Nisa, F., Ris Sumaryani, & Sigit Hariyadi. (2024). Efektivitas Bimbingan Klasikal Metode Game Based Learning Berbasis Digital dalam Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Siswa. KI (Jurnal onseling ndonesia), 9(2), 69–76. https://doi.org/10.21067/jki.v9i2.10183


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