Memprediksi Minat Karier dan Pilihan Aspirasi Terhadap Pertimbangan Pilihan Karier Berdasarkan Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)

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Ishlakhatus Sa’idah


This research aims to predict the model interest Social Cognitive career Theory (SCCT) through a test
run to 600 high school students in Gresik Regency. Subject completed measures of self-efficacy in
career, expectations of a result, interests, support and social barriers, and considerations in the
choice of six types of RIASEC Holland (1997). Model options integrated interest meets the data well
in all types of Holland and generally supports the hypothesis that self-efficacy and outcome
expectations are similarly predict the interest, and that interest in self-efficacy mediate the
relationships and expectations the results for the consideration of the options. Contrary to SCCT,
support and social barriers related considerations the option indirectly i.e. via self-efficacy. The
implications of these findings for further research is the importance of cross-cultural validity of
consideration on the SCCT

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How to Cite
Sa’idah, I. (2018). Memprediksi Minat Karier dan Pilihan Aspirasi Terhadap Pertimbangan Pilihan Karier Berdasarkan Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT). KI (Jurnal onseling ndonesia), 3(2), 48–56.


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