Studi Komparasi Kesulitan Belajar Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi di Universitas X

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Vega Famiartha Miarsyah Ali
Maghfirotul Lathifah
Sutijono Sutijono


Learning difficulties are a condition that causes obstacles in the student learning process.  This  study  aims  to  describe  Learning difficulties associated  with online learning during a pandemic. This research is a descriptive study  with a quantitative approach. The subjects involved in this study were 28 guidance and counseling students and 28 mathematics education students from x university, who was  determined  through  a   purposive sampling technique.  The  instrument  used  in  this  study  was the  Questionnaire on learning difficulties of guidance and counseling students and mathematics education students which will then be compared.  Thedata  analysis  used  was  descriptive quantitative.  The  results  showed  that  28 guidance and counseling students there are 4 students experiencing a high level of learning difficulty, then 22 students experiencing a moderate level of learning difficulty, 2 students experiencing a low level of learning difficulty, this is influenced by several factors, namely: 1) Physical factors; 2) Psychological factors. While the results of the questionnaire analysis 28 mathematics education students have several levels of learning difficulties, namely 5 students have high learning difficulties, 22 students have moderate learning difficulties, 2 students have low learning difficulties, this is influenced by several factors, namely: 1) Psychological factors; 2) Cognitive factors. Based on the results of data collection through the questionnaire that has been analyzed above, the researcher also conducted offline interviews on guidance and counseling students with mathematics education students at X University. The category of high-level learning difficulties of guidance and counseling students amounted to 4 students and mathematics education students amounted to 5 students, so from the study program the researchers took 5% for interviews.


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How to Cite
Ali, V. F. M. ., Lathifah, M., & Sutijono, S. (2022). Studi Komparasi Kesulitan Belajar Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi di Universitas X. KI (Jurnal onseling ndonesia), 7(1), 39–45.


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