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Fahmi Arif Zakaria


With increase the economic and technology growth Indonesia is growing, but beyond that consciously or not, the  impact felt enough  in the living environment area, especially if  the environment problems are not serious enough to get attention. The environment issue is  parallel with technology development problems, because of the enhancement,  some  variety  forms of companies unavoidable the presence of pollution and  society as a byproduct.

Based on these descriptions writer interest to  discuss in legal writing entitled : Enhancement of Public Participation in Living Environment Management. (Case Study at Ir Sutami dam  Malang). Whereupon that become the problems , namely: (1) How many extent of participation from Kalipare’s population to manage the living enviroment, (2) What about the environment education in Kalipare’s population, (3) What action will be undertaken by Kalipare’s population if there is a case of environment pollution.With the research on the Living Environment, it is expected the Government, the Environment Agency, Jasa Tirta I, and public  can work together to maintain the stability of the living  environment. Studies about enviroment's development are very less in the in the public . With this research of environment, may be can give  beneficial to all parties.

To solve these problems  used socio-juridical approach. In this sociological law research, and for the data used is the rule of society legal law which influenced by non-legal factors  (economic, social, cultural and others ). With this descriptive analysis method, the result of the solution research from the issues which discussed, for such data need to process that purposing to get the answer  from the problems has being addressed.

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How to Cite
Zakaria, F. A. (2016). PENINGKATAN PERAN SERTA MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP (Di Bendungan Ir. Sutami Kabupaten Malang ). urnal anorama ukum, 1(1), 15–26.


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Bappenas di sampaikan pada konferensi Nasional Pengelolaan Sumber daya alam, Jakarta 23-25 Mei 2000
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