Optimalisasi Program “Taman Bacaan dan Mengaji†Guna Meningkatkan Budaya Literasi Masyarakat Pedesaan
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Most rural communities live following prevailing cultural developments, including by utilizing the facilities and infrastructure they have to establish a harmonious relationship. However, using it is constrained by low levels of community literacy, lack of exciting activities, and limited infrastructure. The people of Pasar Keong village need facilities to improve their literacy culture to reactivate it as a reading and reciting garden for students and the community. Empowerment is carried out through coordination and socialization of the activation of reading and reciting gardens, preparing routine activities and human resource schedules, and providing a literacy culture about child development to parents. Coordination and socialization of the reading and recitation garden program involve community leaders, religion, and the surrounding community utilizing public or social facilities. Literacy cultural activities about child development focus on stunting and anti-bullying education to prevent incidents at home and school. The implication is that the more optimal the activation of the reading and recitation garden program, the more it will improve the literacy culture of the community.
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