Analisis pemanfaatan shopee paylater sebagai alat pinjaman online di era pasca pandemic covid-19

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Monabila Magelo
Tessalonika Sinaga
Erwin Permana


Rapid developments in the digital world have penetrated various sectors including the financial sector with the emergence of financial technology (fintech). Its development accelerated when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, thus forming the habit of online transactions. The impact of shifting people's shopping habits from face-to-face to online is due to the many conveniences offered by online retailers. Even though the pandemic is now over, the habit of online shopping persists. Consumers are also increasingly spoiled by the various business models offered by business people. One of them is the later payment offered by Shopee with the Shopee Paylater brand. This study aims to analyze the use of shopee paylater as an online loan tool in the post-Covid-19 pandemic era. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. The data was obtained through observing various shopping patterns using the shopee paylater. Then presented in a descriptive way. The results show that the general public uses the Shopee Paylater feature at Shopee so they can still shop online with a "pay later" system. This emerged as a form of online shopping habits that had been formed during the pandemic. There are many Paylater features in other applications, but Shopee Paylater makes this feature more effective and efficient in terms of the process of creating an account right up to its implementation. The existence of discounts, insurance, promo vouchers, cashback and installments makes Shopee Paylater an advantage that is of interest to consumers. This feature is also the most trusted feature because of the minimal errors that occur from Shopee itself. It has become the most used application by the public because of its many advantages and is the best online loan tool in the post-pandemic period.

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How to Cite
Magelo, M., Sinaga, T., & Permana, E. (2023). Analisis pemanfaatan shopee paylater sebagai alat pinjaman online di era pasca pandemic covid-19. urnal iset endidikan konomi, 8(2), 199–205.


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