Penerapan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Classifier dan Fungsi Gaussian Untuk Penentuan Penjurusan Siswa Kelas X
Majoring the X degree students needs to be done by the school. To optimize this, it is necessary to take steps that can assist the school in determining student majors. The approach that can be taken is apply the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm and Gaussian Function. The dataset used is 100 records, consisting of attribute values for Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry subjects. The target or class attributes are science (IPA) and social (IPS) studies majors. From the dataset, there are 47 records in the IPA class and 52 records in IPS. Results of the implementation of the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm and the Gaussian function, it can be determined the major class on the entered test data. The results of the classification can be used as consideration for the school to assist in the process of student majors.

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