Sistem Smart Class Berbasis Internet Of Things dengan Menggunakan Metode Prototype

Rully Pramudita, Kevin Setyawan


The majority of student teaching and learning activities are currently carried out conventionally without a touch of high technology along with the development of existing technology. The importance of using technology in teaching and learning classrooms is because current needs are increasing with the times. Therefore, activities were carried out to build a prototype application system for turning off and turning on electronic equipment built in blynk. Android as a new alternative solution for remote control. In addition, the control system built utilizes the WiFi network for sending control instructions to Arduino and the Blynk application as a system user interface on smartphones. To be able to turn off and turn on electronic devices through the Blynk application, the user must be connected to the internet and the microcontroller must be connected to the internet network. This system using the internet network will make it easier to turn off and turn on electronic devices in class every day. This tool is also equipped with a turn off or turn on feature on a smartphone via the Blynk application. This study also uses the prototype method which has 5 stages of development, namely communication, rapid planning, modeling and planning quickly, making prototypes and testing systems. This tool is very useful for educational institutions today, because with this tool teachers or staff no longer need to turn off or turn on electronic devices manually every day.


Rully Pramudita (Primary Contact)
Kevin Setyawan
R. Pramudita and K. Setyawan, “Sistem Smart Class Berbasis Internet Of Things dengan Menggunakan Metode Prototype”, SMARTICS, vol. 8, no. 1, Apr. 2022.

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