Dosen, Teaching Style, lecturerAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teaching style dosen pengajar matakuliah Evaluasi Pembelajaran SD di Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. Penelitian ini Merupakan penelitian Deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif Study kasus dilapangan. Setting penelitian ini Pada Mahasisiwa semester VI 2017/2018. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengadakan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memberikan makna terhadap data yang berhasil dikumpulkan, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data dengan ketekunan pengamatan, pemeriksaan teman sejawat dan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Dosen lebih sering menggunakan gaya mengajar klasik, (2) Dosen jarang menggunakan media dikarenakan membuat dan menggunakan media itu ribet, (3) Dosen menggunakan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, dan penugasan,dan diskusi kelas (4) Dosen mengombinasikan gaya mengajar satu dengan yang lainnya. (5)karakteristik setiap masing masing dosen pengampu matakuliah memilki kompetensi mengajar yang berbeda, ada yang gaya mengajarnya klasik, interaksional dan teknologis dan personalisasi.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosen menggunakan gaya mengajar klasik, namun diselingi dengan gaya mengajar lainnya yaitu teknologis, personalisasi dan interaksional. dosen berupaya membuat variasi gaya mengajar dalam pembelajaran, namun belum terlihat jelas.
Teaching essentially aims to deliver students to achieve the learning objectives that have been planned previously. In practice, the teaching behavior shown by the lecturers is very diverse, although the meaning is the same. A variety of lecturers' behavior is called teaching style. Each lecturer has different teaching styles. The role of lecturers in class is very large in the development and improvement of student learning outcomes. This study aims to describe the teaching style of teaching lecturers of the Evaluation of Elementary Learning at the University of Kanjuruhan Malang. This research descriptive qualitative approach case study field. Setting research at the University of Kanjuruhan Malang, In the 6th semester of 2017/2018. Data collection is done by conducting observation and interview. Data analysis is done by giving meaning to the data collected, then drawn conclusion. Inspection of data validity with observational persistence, peer examination and data triangulation. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Lecturers more often use classical teaching style, (2) Lecturers rarely use the media due to make and use the media is complicated, (3) Lecturer using lecture, question and answer method, 4) Lecturers combine teaching styles with each other. (5) the characteristics of each lecturers have different teaching competencies, some of which are classical, interactional and technological and personalized teaching styles. The conclusions in this study indicate that the lecturer uses the
classical teaching style, but interspersed with other teaching styles of technological, personalization and interactional. lecturers try to make variations of teaching styles in learning, but not yet clearly visible.
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