Pengembangan Tutorial Digital Conducting untuk Mahasiswa PGSD
Music tutorial, Digital conducting, Student learning outcomesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility, activity, practicality, and effectiveness of the product. This development process uses a 4D research model with the stages of defining, planning, developing, and distributing. The development of a digital conducting tutorial was declared feasible after going through the validation and testing process on students with a percentage of material experts 95% with very decent criteria, percentage of media experts 92.5% with very decent criteria. Products based on student activity questionnaires obtained a percentage of 94.5% with very active criteria and an assessment of student responses that obtained a percentage of 92.5% with very practical criteria. The digital conducting tutorial product for PGSD students was declared effective based on the average score of 32 students at 93.12 in the very effective criteria
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