Perilaku Pembelian Konsumen: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur Theory of Planned Behavior

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Meitiana Meitiana


This study aims to examine the differences between several empirical articles on the theory of planned behavior. Theory of planned behavior provides a framework for studying attitudes toward behaviors that postulate three determinants of conceptual intent. Specifically, the intention is based on the variables of attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Although this theory has been used frequently, there are still differences in outcomes in explaining attitudes toward behavior. The results show that there is still a different view of the theory of planned behavior so it is necessary to identify the gaps that occur in this theory. For further research is expected to expand and enrich the discussion of the theory of planned behavior

Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah perbedaan beberapa artikel empiris tentang theory of planned behavior. Theory of planned behavior menyediakan suatu kerangka untuk mempelajari sikap terhadap perilaku yang mendalilkan tiga faktor penentu konseptual niat. Secara khusus, niat didasarkan pada variabel-variabel yaitu sikap terhadap perilaku (attitude towards behavior), norma subyektif (subjective norm), dan kontrol berperilaku yang dirasakan (perceived behavioral control). Walaupun teori ini sudah sering digunakan, namun masih terdapat perbedaan hasil dalam menjelaskan sikap terhadap perilaku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat perbedaan pandangan terhadap Theory of planned behavior sehingga diperlukan identifikasi kesenjangan yang terjadi dalam teori ini. Penelitian di masa yang akan datang diharapkan dapat memperluas dan memperkaya pembahasan tentang theory of planned behavior.


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Meitiana, M. (2017). Perilaku Pembelian Konsumen: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur Theory of Planned Behavior. urnal konomi odernisasi, 13(1), 16–24.


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