Kerupuk Samiler Naira Naik Kelas melalui Penguatan Manajemen dan Legalitas Usaha

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Aristha Purwanthari Sawitri
Apri Irianto
M. Nushron Ali Mukhtar


NAIRA is one of the samiler home industry in Kemansantani Village, Mojokerto Regency. The Covid-19 pandemic make the sale of NAIRA samiler crackers decreasing every month because business owners only sell offline. The problem Samiler "NAIRA" is marketing with Word of Mouth and bad management. NAIRA has not utilized technology through social media or marketplaces to expand the market of samiler crackers so that it cannot meet the needs of consumers who want to buy products online. Another problem is that business owners do not have financial records, resulting in owners not being able to analyze the development of their business. Another problem is that business owners do not have financial records, resulting in owners not being able to analyze the development of their business. The next problem is the legality of the business. The purpose of this activity is to provide training and assistance on digital marketing, branding, financial recording and business legality to optimize the management of the NAIRA samiler cracker business so that NAIRA samiler crackers are upgraded. The output target achieved in this community service is to increase income through the use of technology so that the samiler cracker business can develop and continue this business.

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How to Cite
Sawitri, A. P., Irianto, A., & Ali Mukhtar, M. N. (2023). Kerupuk Samiler Naira Naik Kelas melalui Penguatan Manajemen dan Legalitas Usaha. PM (Jurnal emberdayaan asyarakat), 8(1), 42–49.


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