The Effectiveness Of Morphological Awareness Training In Acquiring Vocabulary For English Foreign Language Learners

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Ermy Dikta Sumanik
Esti Junining


The aim of this study was primarily to investigate the effects of
morphological awareness training in acquiring vocabulary of EFL’
Learners. The design of this study was quasi-experiment design. The total
population of this study was 263 studentsat the first grade from SMPN 2
Singosari. The sample was 66 students consist of 33 students from class
VIIE as control group and 33 students from class VIIG as experimental
group. There were two independent variable, control group and
experimental group. The experimental group received 5 lessons on
strategies whereas the control group did not. Vocabulary Measurement test
that adapted from Coxhead (2000) were used and descriptive statistics were
reported. In this study the effectiveness of Morphological Awareness was
investigated by using independent sample t-test.The result showed that
tcounted was lower than tcritical (-18.00<2.000) with P value 0.00 (df=64).
The P value was less than 0.05 which it indicated that there is significant
differences between control and experimental group.The result of this
study has shown that there was an effect of morphological awareness
training in acquiring students’ vocabulary. Also, the findings have shown
that students had motivation to practice their vocabulary ability.
Morphological awareness also makes the learner more aware of the writing

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How to Cite
Sumanik, E. D., & Junining, E. (2015). The Effectiveness Of Morphological Awareness Training In Acquiring Vocabulary For English Foreign Language Learners. Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan, 5(2), 685–690.