A A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Chat GPT in Higher Education English

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Afina Latifah


Technological developments are currently an important issue in education because they have given birth to Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of which is chat-gpt. Chat-gpt has had a significant impact on the world of education, especially in universities. This article aims to explore the use of chat-gpt in higher education, and then analyze the impacts and challenges of using chat-gpt. The research method used in this article is a Systematic Literature Review method (SLR). This study analyzes 18 relevant journal articles taken from various sources published in 2022-2023. This research highlights several uses of chat-gpt such as: in working on papers, articles, other scientific papers, and assignments given by lecturers. The research results show that the development of artificial intelligence technology has made chat-gpt often found among students. Almost all students use chat-gpt. because Chat-gpt provides many conveniences for students in terms of education. It can be concluded that the use of chat-gpt has an active role in helping students complete various kinds of tasks. And there are many challenges faced in using chat-gpt.

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How to Cite
Latifah, A. (2024). A A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Chat GPT in Higher Education: English. Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.21067/jip.v14i1.9444


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