Membangun Pedagogical Content Knowledge Calon Guru Fisika Melalui Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan Berbasis Lesson Study

Lia Yuliati


The article is a study about the importance of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for prospective physics teachers of through teaching practice based on lesson study. PCK is an important aspect in the process of equipping prospective teachers are influenced by various factors. Teaching practice based on lesson study is an alternative model of PCK briefing on prospective physics teachers. It is supported by the results of studies  that PCK of prospective physics teachers may be affected by their experience of learning and teaching for a college education.


Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, teaching practice, lesson study


Artikel merupakan kajian tentang pentingnya pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) untuk calon guru Fisika melalui praktek pengalaman lapangan (PPL) berbasis lesson study. PCK merupakan aspek penting dalam proses pembekalan calon guru yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. PPL berbasis lesson study menjadi salah satu alternatif model pembekalan PCK pada calon guru. Hal ini didukung hasil-hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa PCK calon guru dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman melaksanakan pembelajaran dan proses palatihan selama pendidikan di perguruan tinggi.


Kata Kunci: pedagogical content knowledge, praktek pengalaman lapangan, lesson study


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Lia Yuliati (Primary Contact)
Yuliati, L. (2017). Membangun Pedagogical Content Knowledge Calon Guru Fisika Melalui Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan Berbasis Lesson Study. Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 1(1), 16–30.

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