Pendekatan Saintifik di Sekolah Dasar

Nurul Ain, Choirul Huda


Abstract: One of the features of the 2013 Curriculum is a scientific-based learning approach. The purpose of this study was to describe the understanding, implementation, and barriers of elementary school teachers towards a scientific approach. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Respondents were 50 teachers of SDN at Kecamatan Sukun Malang. Data were obtained through open questionnaire techniques and document Teachers' learning plan. The data are described and analyzed to get an overview of elementary school teacher's understanding of the scientific approach. The results show that the scientific approach can serve as a science process skill and a scientific method. Teachers at the SDN in Kecamatan Sukun Malang understand the scientific approach as a science process skill, not yet understanding the scientific approach as a scientific method. These results can be used as a reference to train elementary school teachers in implementing a scientific approach.

Abstrak: Salah satu ciri Kurikulum 2013 adalah pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman, pelaksanaan, dan hambatan guru sekolah dasar terhadap pendekatan saintifik. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Responden sejumlah 50 guru SDN di Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Data diperoleh melalui penyebaran angket terbuka dan dokumen rencana pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dideskrpsikan dan dianalisis sehingga didapatkan gambaran umum tentang pemahaman guru Sekolah Dasar terhadap pendekatan saintifik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan saintifik dapat berfungsi sebagai keterampilan proses sains dan metode ilmiah. Guru-guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang memahami pendekatan saintifik sebagai keterampilan proses sains, belum memahami pendekatan saintifik sebagai metode ilmiah. Hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan referensi untuk melatih guru sekolah dasar dalam mengimplementasikan pendekatan saintifik.


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Nurul Ain (Primary Contact)
Choirul Huda
Ain, N., & Huda, C. (2018). Pendekatan Saintifik di Sekolah Dasar. omentum: hysics ducation ournal, 2(1), 1–7.

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