General Guidelines

  1. Manuscript is relevant for scientific investigation with the journal scope such as Criminal Law, Civil Law, Business Law, Civic Law, and International Law.
  2. Manuscript has not submitted for publication elsewhere
  3. Manuscript must be directed send via e-mail:
  4. Manuscript is a research report
  5. Submitted or denial manuscript will be informed on-line
  6. Published article can be download in e-journal, website:

Writing Guideregulation Law Panorama Journal Law Faculty of Kanjuruhan University Malang

  1. Manuscript is in the form of research report or review article
  2. The manuscript should be written in Indonesian/English by using font 12 Times New Roman, approximately 15 pages, A4 paper, 1.5 space; complete abstract (100-200 words) written in one space and completed with key words. The name of author, affiliation and email address excluded is written under the title and the name of institution forms as footnote on the first page. Manuscript must be send directly to: 
  3. Research report article contains: title; author name (without degree); email address; English abstract and key words; introduction / background, research method, result and discussion, conclusion and suggestion (if needed); and references.
  4. Review article contains: title; author name (without degree); email address; abstract and key words in English; introduction / background; subtitles contains of discussion, conclusion and suggestion (if available); and references 5. Source quotation is written in the page bottom in the form of footnote with Following format: 1. The author name is not altered, written without degree, then ended by comma 2. Publisher year is written in the bracket 3. Book title is in italic form, then followed by comma 4. Publisher place is followed by colon 5. Publisher name is followed by comma
  5. The manuscript should be between 10 to 12 pages long.
  6. Page number that quoted is followed by point Example: Ade MamanSuherman, (2004), PengantarPerbandinganSistemHukum, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, Hlm. 22 6. References are written in the following format: 1. The author name is not altered, written without degree, then ended by comma 2. Publisher year is written in the bracket 3. Book title is in italic form, then followed by comma 4. Publisher place is followed by colon 5. Publisher name is followed by comma Example: Suherman, Ade Maman, (2004), Law System Comparison Messenger, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
  7. References have a minimum four references and three journals 8. Author that the article has been published will receive softcopy from this journal, while the unpublished article will not be returned, except by author request