Dyscalculia: Mathematical Difficulties in the Concept of Multiplication Using Word Problems

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Siska Firmasari
Tatang Herman
Irmawati Liliana Kusuma Dewi


This study aims to analyse the mathematical difficulties that occur in children with dyscalculia cases in the concept of multiplication which focused on the application of word problems. We used qualitative methods by selecting the type of case study research and selecting research instruments in the form of test instruments and interview sheets according to the research flow. The subject of the study was one child in the fourth grade of elementary school who had a case of dyscalculia based on the analysis of doctors and exceptional therapists. The use of random sampling technique to select research subjects in two child development clinics is under the research objectives. The results of the study concluded that subject has difficulty understanding the concept of multiplication, not just a routine procedure, but focus on representing multiplication functionally. In addition, there are other findings that there are difficulties in student recognizing number symbols and connecting numbers with real situations. Therefore, we need special therapy to minimize learning disorders that occur in this student.

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How to Cite
Firmasari, S., Herman, T. ., & Kusuma Dewi, I. L. (2021). Dyscalculia: Mathematical Difficulties in the Concept of Multiplication Using Word Problems. Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan, 11(2), 113–121. https://doi.org/10.21067/jip.v11i2.5852


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