The effect of different diluent toward abnormality and motility sexing sperm of etawa cross-bred goat (pe) using egg white sedimentation method

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Yohanis PIndu Amah
Enike Dwi Kusumawati
Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih



Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji pengaruh berbagai metode Sedimentasi putih telur terhadap abnormalitas dan motilitas spermatozoa semen sexing kambing PE. Metode penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah percobaan laboratorium dengan analisis varian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemeriksaan semen berdasarkan evaluasi mikroskopis yang diperoleh menunjukkan gerak massa yang sangat bagus, cepat dan gelap dengan skor positif 3, motilitas individu 94,8%, konsentrasi 3540,2 juta per ml, viabilitas  96,35%, abnormalitas 2,9%. Motilitas spermatozoa dengan menggunakan pengencer Tris lapisan bawah memiliki nilai terendah dibandingkan pengencer lainnya (P<0,01) sebesar 4,71±0,09%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa abnormalitas dan motilitas spermatozoa semen sexing menggunakan sedimentasi putih telur yang terbaik yaitu dengan pengencer Tris Aminomethan kuning telur dengan rataan motilitas sebesar 65,4% dan rataan abnormalitas sebesar 4,71%.


This research was conducted at the Center for Artificial Insemination Singosari district Malang with the purpose of this research is to know and investigate the effect of various methods of white egg sedimentation to abnormalities and motility sexing sperm goat. This research method used a laboratory experiment with analysis was variance. The results showed sperm examination by microscopic evaluation obtained showed a mass movement which was very nice, fast and dark with a positive score of 3, the individual motility was 94.8%, 3540.2 million per ml concentration, viability was 96.35%, abnormalities 2.9 %. Motility was using Tris bottom layer has the lowest value compared to the other diluent (P <0.01) was 4.71 ± 0.09%. It can be concluded that abnormalities and motility sexing sprem using egg whites sedimentation are best used with Tris Aminomethan yolks egg with the average motility was 65.4% and the average abnormalities was 4.71%.

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How to Cite
Amah, Y. P., Kusumawati, E. D., & Krisnaningsih, A. T. N. (2017). The effect of different diluent toward abnormality and motility sexing sperm of etawa cross-bred goat (pe) using egg white sedimentation method. Jurnal Sains Peternakan, 5(1), 10–19.


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