Lihat Vol 7 No 2: SMARTICS Journal (Oktober 2021)

This issue has been available online since 31th October 2021 for the regular issue of Vol 7 No 2 (2021). All article in this issue authored/co-authored by 19 author with numerous affiliations (Universitas Ma Chung, STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Universitas Narotama, Universitas Widya Gama, Universitas Presiden, Universitas Wisnuwardhana, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda)

Diterbitkan: 2021-09-01

SMARTICS Journal (Oktober 2021)
Vol 7 No 2

This issue has been available online since 31th October 2021 for the regular issue of Vol 7 No 2 (2021). All article in this issue authored/co-authored by 19 author with numerous affiliations (Universitas Ma Chung, STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Universitas Narotama, Universitas Widya Gama, Universitas Presiden, Universitas Wisnuwardhana, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda)

Diterbitkan: 2021-09-01
