The mastery of physics concepts between students are learning by ICT and laboratory experiments based-teaching

Drikben Eka Putra Nggadas, Ariswan Ariswan


The study aimed to examine differences in the mastery of physics concepts between students are learning by ICT based-teaching and laboratory experiments based-teaching. The particular research was quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest design with nonequivalent groups. The sample size was three classes selected from the population of students on class X of SMA N 4 Kupang. The data collection method used multiple choice questions tests. Data analysis used independent samples t-test using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of data analysis using t-test at a significance level of 0.05 indicated that there was a difference in the average mastery of physics concepts between students are learning by ICT based-teaching and the laboratory experiments based-teaching. The mean score of the mastery of physics concept on students are learning by ICT based-teaching was higher than students are learning by laboratory experiments based-teaching.


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Drikben Eka Putra Nggadas (Primary Contact)
Ariswan Ariswan
Nggadas, D. E. P., & Ariswan, A. (2019). The mastery of physics concepts between students are learning by ICT and laboratory experiments based-teaching. omentum: hysics ducation ournal, 3(1), 21–31.

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