Introducing "Physics of music" to students using free software

Nishanth Pothiyodath, Udayanandan Kandoth Murkoth


Many  consider physics to be a highly mathematical oriented  subject to study. To break this opinion and also to generate a deep interest in  physics, a course on ‘Physics of Music’ can  be introduced at any level of a curriculum. We present a simple and practical way of introducing this topic even for school level students. Teachers, along with students, can visualise and feel physics all time throughout the course.


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Nishanth Pothiyodath
Udayanandan Kandoth Murkoth (Primary Contact)
Pothiyodath, N., & Murkoth, U. K. (2022). Introducing "Physics of music" to students using free software. omentum: hysics ducation ournal, 6(1), 39–50.

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