Call for article


Dear researchers and scholars,

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our upcoming issue of "Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan IPS (JPPI). We welcome original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers on a variety of topics related to the education of social sciences.

We are committed to publishing original high-quality research that advances our understanding of social phenomena and contributes to the development of innovative methodologies and theoretical frameworks.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer review process by our expert editorial team to ensure the quality and validity of the research presented. We are committed to upholding high standards of ethical conduct and academic integrity.

Authors are requested to follow our submission guidelines and formatting instructions, which can be found on our website. The deadline for submission is [insert deadline date], and we look forward to receiving your contributions.

Thank you for considering our call for papers. We hope to receive your valuable research work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the social sciences.


Best wishes,


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mujiono
