Students’ acceptance of mobile-based assessment

Nur Adillawati Kosim Saputri, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Dadang Lukman Hakim


The effective development of a Mobile-Based Assessment (MBA) depends on students’ acceptance. The aim of this paper was to examine the determinant factor of students’ behavioral intention to use mobile-based assessment. Data were collected from 105 second grade students of a vocational high school through an online survey questionnaire. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the measurement and the structural model. Results showed Perceived Ease of Use as the strongest direct predictor of Behavioral Intention to Use, followed by Perceived Usefulness. Content and Mobile Self-Efficacy only has an indirect effect. These four variables explain 51.3 percent of the variance of Behavioral Intention to Use.


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Nur Adillawati Kosim Saputri (Primary Contact)
Ade Gafar Abdullah
Dadang Lukman Hakim
Saputri, N. A. K., Abdullah, A. G. ., & Hakim , D. L. . (2021). Students’ acceptance of mobile-based assessment. Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 5(1), 43–52.

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