Implementation of STEM Project-Based Learning (PjBL) student worksheet through the “otok-otok” boat game on engineering thinking skills

Oktania Putri Angelina, Rif’ati Dina Handayani, Maryani Maryani


Physics learning is a science learning branch that explores and explains natural phenomena. Nevertheless, students still consider physics learning difficult because it has several abstract concepts and mathematics. Also, physics learning is rarely conducted in terms of higher-order thinking processes. This study aims to investigate students’ engineering thinking skills using STEM PjBL on the “Otok-Otok” boat game. This type of research is qualitative research with a single case study method. Data were gathered through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using a content analysis method. The results showed that the students’ engineering thinking skills were excellent. STEM-PJBL directs students in structuring the engineering thinking skills. Students can solve problems in a structured way, from identifying issues to analyzing alternative solutions to problems. This study is expected as essential information to implement STEM-PJBL for teachers in their physics learning.


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Oktania Putri Angelina
Rif’ati Dina Handayani (Primary Contact)
Maryani Maryani
Angelina, O. P., Handayani, R. D., & Maryani, M. (2023). Implementation of STEM Project-Based Learning (PjBL) student worksheet through the “otok-otok” boat game on engineering thinking skills. Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 7(1), 116–124.

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