Momentum: Physics Education Journal
Journal title : Momentum: Physics Education Journal Initials : MPEJ Abbreviation : Momentum Phys. Educ. J. Frequency : 2 Issues every year (February & August) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2548-9127 ISSN (online) : 2548-9135 Editor in Chief : Sudi Dul Aji Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang in collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII) or Indonesian Society for Science Educators and Physics Society Indonesia (PSI) Indexing : DOAJ | Sinta 2 | Google Scholar | PKP Index | Base | Index Copernicus International Journal Summary
Momentum: Physics Education Journal (MPEJ) with registered number ISSN 2548-9135 (online), ISSN 2548-9127 (print), is a scientific journal which publishes articles related to physics education. This journal collaborates with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII) or Indonesian Society for Science Educators and Physics Society Indonesia (PSI) Momentum: Physics Education Journal, will publish two issues in a year. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using double blind review method. Abstracts and full text that have been published on the website can be read and downloaded for free. Momentum: Physics Education Journal is managed by a physics education study program and published by Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. This journal registered in the Crossref system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.21067. For author interested in submitting the manuscript, kindly register yourself.
Momentum: Physics Education Journal is Nationally Accredited by Ministry of Research and Technology/National Agency for Research and Innovation. The journal is classified into nationals 2nd (SINTA 2) highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia.
Grammarly, Mendeley, Turnitin.
Focus & Scope
Momentum: Physics Education Journal published all research results & studies of physics education, include:
- Learning Physics
- Physics Education Innovation
- Media Development, Learning Models, Assessment and Evaluation in Physics
- Physics Education Policy
- Issues and Trends in Physics Education
- Physics Learning in Everyday Life
Call for Editors and Reviewers
We invite researchers, and practitioners to become editors or reviewers in Momentum: Physics Education Journal. If you are interested, please send us information about yourself, such as your full name, education and degree, affiliation, Scopus ID, orcid ID or other researcher ID, and the area of expertise. Please, the data is sent to email
Thank you.
Important For Authors
Reminder for all the authors, you are expected to submit papers that:
- are original and have not been submitted to any other publication
- references with 80% of scientific Journals
- use references published on the last 10 years structured using IMRaD format
- use template specified by Momentum: Physics Education Journal
- use reference manager e.g. Mendeley or others when managing the references
Thank you
Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi
Journal title : Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi Initials : JEM Frequency : 3 Issues every year (March, July, November) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (online) : 2502-4078 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Sulistyo, M.Ak Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Sinta 2, Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi
Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi is a peer-reviewed journal that disseminates research in the fields of management and accounting. The journal publishes issues every March, July, November. It covers a large variety of topics of management and accounting as a medium for practitioners, academics, independent researchers to publish articles that contribute to the development of science. The journal is published fully open access. Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi was firstly published in printed version in 2005 (ISSN 0216-373X), but since 2016, the journal has been published online (ISSN 2502-4078). It is published by the Economics and Business Faculty, University of Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia.Â
Jurnal Ekonomi MODERNISASI is accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 105/E/KPT/2022 (April 7, 2022)
MBR (Management and Business Review)
Journal title : MBR (Management and Business Review) Initials : MBR Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by Accredited : Ministry of Research and Technology - Peringkat 3 (Sinta 3) ISSN (online) : 2541-5808 Editor-in-Chief : Endi Sarwoko Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang MBR (Management and Business Review) is a peer-reviewed journal that disseminates research in the fields of management and business. The journal publishes issues every June and December. It covers a large variety of topics of management and business as a medium for practitioners, academics, independent researchers to publish articles that contribute to the development of science. The journal is published fully open access. The journal has been published online (e-ISSN 2541-5808). It is published by the Economics and Business Faculty, University of Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia.
MBR (Management and Business Review) is accredited by Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi (No. 225/E/KPT/2022, Dec 7, 2022)
Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan
Journal title : Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan Initials : JIP Frequency : 2 Issues every year (January & August) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2088-9704 ISSN (online) : 2549-4147 Editor-in-Chief : Umiati Jawas Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang in collaboration with Asosiasi Pendidik dan Pengembang Pendidikan Indonesia (APPPI)
The Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan is a publication that contains the results of critical research and studies in the fields of education and teaching. Published twice in one year by the Association of Educators of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. This journal is expected to be the medium of publication of the results of qualified scientific research as well as scientific disclaimers in the fields of education and teaching. This journal can be accessed online and in its printed version nationally and internationally. The articles published in this journal are articles that have passed the double-blind review process.
Jurnal Moral Kemasyarakatan
Journal title : Jurnal Moral Kemasyarakatan Initials : JMK Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : - ISSN (online) : 2527-4821 Editor-in-Chief : Andri Fransiskus Gultom Managing Editor : Ludovikus Bomans Wadu Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : SINTA | Google Scholar | Garuda | Base Accreditation
Journal Summary
Grammarly, Mendeley, Unicheck.
Focus & Scope
The focus and scope of articles in the Community Moral Journal include the results of research on morals and actions that have a positive value in various aspects of community life.
Call for Editors and Reviewers
We invite researchers, and practitioners to become editors or reviewers in Journal Moral Kemasyarakatan. If you are interested, please send us information about yourself, such as your full name, education and degree, affiliation, Scopus ID, orcid ID or other researcher ID, and the area of expertise. Please, the data is sent to email
Thank you.
Important For Authors
Reminder for all the authors, you are expected to submit papers that:
- Are original and have not been submitted to any other publication
- Have at least 15 references with 80% of scientific Journals
- Use references published on the last 5 years
- Structured using IMRaD format
- Use template specified by Journal Moral Kemasyarakatan
- Use reference manager e.g. Mendeley or others when managing the references
Thank you
Jurnal Bidang Pendidikan Dasar
Journal title : Jurnal Bidang Pendidikan Dasar Initials : JBPD Frequency : 2 Issues every year (January & June) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2549-0117 ISSN (online) : 2549-0125 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Farida Nur Kumala, S.Si, M.Pd. Publisher : Faculty of Educational Studies Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang -
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan IPS
Journal Title : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan IPS Initial : JPPI Abbreviation : Jur. Pen. dan Pend. IPS Frequency : 2 Issues every year  DOI : 10.21067 by Crossref ISSN (Print) : 858-4985 ISSN (Online) : 2721-8821 Editor in Chief : Yuli Ifana Sari Managing Editor : Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati Indexing : Sinta; Google Schola; Garu; Crossref Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan IPS (JPPI) is an open-access journal intended to disseminate research and scientific thinking results as a forum to develop concepts, theories, and their applications that contribute to social science education in Indonesia. JPPI is published twice a year (April & October), and each article will go through the peer review stage. The Directorate of Postgraduate Programme, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, publishes JPPI in collaboration with Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Indonesia (APRIPSI). JPPI accepts manuscripts of research results and scientific thoughts that include school and education management, school leadership, social studies learning, teaching students with special education, culture, and multicultural society, civic education, character-building education, social studies education curriculum, and other related fields. -
JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)
JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) is Community Service Journal with registered number ISSN 2541-1977 (online), ISSN 2615-2649 (print). JPM published two issues in a year (May and Nopember). Every manuscript will be reviewed by at least two-peer-reviewers using blind review method. JPM was published by DPPM Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang in Collaboration with Pembina Lembaga Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PPLP-PT PGRI Malang). This journal registered in the Crossref system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.21067. JPM website is JPM email is
JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), SK: 79/E/KPT/2023, (Mei. 11, 2023).
Journal Title: JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)Language: Bahasa Indonesia or English (British/American)Frequency: 2 issues per year (Mei and November)E-ISSNP-ISSNDOI Prefix: 10.21067Editor in Chief: Maris KurniawatiPublisher: LPPM - Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan MalangAccreditation: 79/E/KPT/2023 (Sinta 4)Indexing: Sinta 4 | Dimensions | Google Scholar | Garuda | Crossref | Scilit |Moraref | ESJI | WorldCat | Cite Factor | Cosmos |Focus & Scope
JPM published articles with focus and scope include:
1. Empowerment of economic community
2. Revitalization of art, culture, and humanities
3. Development of appropriate technology
4. Increasing of public education -
SMARTICS Journal is a peer-review journal that aims to disseminate research in electrical, electronics, informatics, and applied technology. This journal is published two times a year (April and October) by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. It has an index in SINTA 4 (Accredited Journal, Decree No.23/E/KPT/2019) by the Director-General of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. The indexing status will be active until 2022. Focus and Scope disseminated research on applied computer science or information technology by publishing the original articles. SMARTICS Journal published by the Faculty of Science Technology Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. SMARTICS Journal accepts submission from any researcher. All accepted articles will be published on payment of an article-processing charge and freely available to all readers' visibility and coverage.Â
Journal TitleSMARTICS JournalLanguageBahasa Indonesia or English (British/American)Frequency2 issues per year (April and October)E-ISSNP-ISSNDOI Prefix10.21067Editor in ChiefAbdul AzizPublisherFaculty of Science and Technology - Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan MalangAccreditation2E/KPT/2019 (Sinta 4)ScopeElectrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Applied Technology -
Journal Title : Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan     Sastra Initials : JIBS Frequency : 2 Issues per Year DOI : Prefix 1021067 by ISSN (Print) : 2355-8083 ISSN (online) : 2549-4155 Editor-in-Chief : Teguh Sulistyo  Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra -Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang JIBS (Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa dan Sastra) is an online journal published by Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. The journal provides opportunities for researchers, academics, and professionals to publish original articles and raise important issues in the fields of linguistics, language education, and literature both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. JIBS publishes twice a year every June and December.
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal
Journal title : Pi: Mathematics Education Journal Initials : PMEJ Abbreviation : Pi Math. Educ. J. Frequency : 2 Issues per year (October and April) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by Crossref ISSN (print) : 2597-5161 ISSN (online) : 2597-6915 Editor in Chief : Riski Nur I.D. Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang |IndoMS Indexing : Sinta 4 | Garuda Sinta 4 Accredited
We are proud to announce that Pi: Mathematics Education Journal has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) by Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No. 14/E/KPT/2019 on May 10, 2019 with fourth grade (Sinta 4) since Volume 2 Issue 1 2019 .
Call for Paper
Pi: Mathematis Education Journal welcomes the original research article for the Volume 8 Issue 1 of April 2025 Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be deemed as they have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please follow this link for registration.
Journal Summary
Pi: Mathematics Educations Journal contains scientific papers in mathematics education. It might be a dissemination of a research result, a comprehensive scientific literature review, or a review of a scientific book. The article should never have been published and is not being published in other journals. Journal is published twice a year in October and April. Published by Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang which is located at Jl. S.Supriyadi No.48 Malang 65148. Journal email address. ISSN 2597-5161 (print), ISSN 2597-6915 (online)
Aims and Scope
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal is issued as an academic journal and devoted to the publication of research papers in the field of mathematics education. Mathematics education should be interpreted to mean the whole field of human ideas and activities that could affect the teaching and learning of mathematics. We welcome authors for original research articles aims on Mathematics Education. Subjects suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields:
- Learning mathematics
- Media development of mathematics
- Assesment and evaluation in mathematics
- Mathematics curriculum
- Thinking Process
Publication Ethics and Plagiarism Policy
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. This statement clarifies ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer and the publisher (Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika). This statement is based on COPE - Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed Pi:Mathematics Education Journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the society. Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang as publisher of Pi:Mathematics Education Journal takes its duties of guardianship over all stages of publishing extremely seriously and we recognize our ethical and other responsibilities. We are committed to ensuring that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions. In addition, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang and Editorial Board will assist in communications with other journals and/or publishers where this is useful and necessary. Papers submitted to Pi: Mathematics Education Journal will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin plagiarism detection tool. Pi: Mathematics Education Journal will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Please notice that the similarity score should be below 20%.
RAINSTEK: Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi
Journal title : Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi Initials : Rainstek Abbreviation : Rainstek J. Terap. Sains dan Teknol. Frequency : 4 Issues per year (March, June, September and December) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by Crossref ISSN (print) : - ISSN (online) : 2721-6209 Editor in Chief : Duran Corebima Aloysius Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : Sinta 5 | Garuda Journal Summary
Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi is an open access peer reviewed research journal that is published by Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi published quarterly on March, June, September and December. Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, and students to impart and share knowledge in mathematics education, physics education, information technology and information system. There shall be a review process of manuscripts by one or more independent referees who are conversant in the pertinent subject area including plagiarism checker.
Focus and Scope
Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi welcome article submissions from all applied science and technology research areas including Mathematics, Physics, Technology, and Information System . Papers relating directly or indirectly to all aspect of these fields are also welcome to submit. Rainstek : Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi is intended to provide a forum for the expression of new ideas, as well as a place for exposition of these areas of knowledge that can further understanding of science and technology issues and concerns.
Publication Ethics & Plagiarism Policy
Ethical standards for publication in Rainstek: Jurnal Terapan Sains dan Teknologi exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications and public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their work and ideas. We follows the guidelines contained in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( and abides by its core practices (
Publishers, editors, researchers and authors use Turnitin plagiarism checker software to verify the originality of written work, protect the integrity of scholarly record, and to eradicate plagiarism from their content.
Important for Authors
All authors should submit their manuscripts by the following instructions:
1. All manuscripts are original and have not been submitted in any other publication
2. Using at least 10 references (80% from scientific Journals)
3. Use references published on the last 5 years structured using IMRaD format
4. Use template recommended by this Journal
5. Use reference manager e.g. Mendeley, Zotero or others when managing the referencesLicense
The copyright of the received article once accepted for publication shall be assigned to the journal as the publisher.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. -
JKI (Jurnal Konseling Indonesia)
Journal title : Jurnal Konseling Indonesia Initials : JKI Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2475-888X ISSN (online) : 2476-8901 Editor-in-Chief : Devi Permatasari Publisher : Guidance and Counseling Program of Faculty of Education Sciences Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : Google Scholar | Sinta | Base | Garuda (JKI) Jurnal Konseling Indonesia ISSN: 2475-888X (Print) , ISSN: 2476-8901 (Online) is a peer-reviewed journal and scientific journal published by Guidance and Counseling Program of Faculty of Education Sciences Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. (JKI) Jurnal Konseling Indonesia, will publish two issues in a year (April and october). Abstracts and full text that have been published on the website can be read and downloaded for free.
The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to the latest outstanding developments in the fields of counseling and education. This journal encompasses the applications of schools counseling, mental health, assessment, supervision in counseling, sexual abuse, violence addiction counseling, multi-cultural counseling, crisis intervention, trauma counseling, ITC in counseling, counseling career, spiritual counseling, marriage and family counseling, counseling and psychotherapy, counseling in all setting; Education (teaching, development, instruction, educational projects and innovations, learning methodologies and new technologies in education and learning, assessment).
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Ekonomi
Journal title : Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Ekonomi Initials : JRPE Frequency : Two issues in a year (April and October) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : - ISSN (online) : 2540-9247 Editor-in-Chief : Udik Yudiono, SE., M.Pd Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi Indonesia (ASPROPENDO) and Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Koperasi (APPEKA). Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Ekonomi (JRPE) will publish two issues in a year (April and October), contains the publication of the student final assignment research, research students and lecturers in the field of Economics Education. JRPE is managed by the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi Indonesia (ASPROPENDO) and Asosiasi Profesi Pendidik Ekonomi, Akuntansi dan Koperasi (APPEKA).
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Ekonomi (JRPE) is Nationally Accredited by Kemenristekdikti. The journal is classified into nationals 4th highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia.
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Akuntansi
Journal summary
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Akuntansi (JRMA) published 2 (two) times a year (April, October), contains the publication of the student final assignment research, research students and lecturers in the field of Accounting. JRMA is published by the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, Kanjuruhan University Malang.
Journal identity
- Journal title : Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Akuntansi
- Initials: JRMA
- Frequency : 2 Issues every year (April, October)
- DOI : Prefix 10.21067
- ISSN print : 2337 - 5663
- ISSN online : 2715 - 7016
- Editor-in-Chief : Supami Wahyu Setiyowati., SE., MSA., MM., Ak., CA.
- Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, Kanjuruhan University Malang
Focus and scope
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Akuntansi (JRMA) publishes research articles from various topics in accounting and finance, including to the following topics:
- Financial Accounting
- Capital Market
- Islamic Accounting and Financial Management
- Public Sector Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Auditing
- Corporate Governance
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Corporate Finance
- Taxation
- Banking
- Information System
Jurnal Sains Peternakan
Journal title : Jurnal Sains Peternakan Initials : JSP Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2355-7338 ISSN (online) : 2579-4450 Editor-in-Chief : Enike Dwi Kusumawati Managing Editor : Tri Ida Wahyu Kustyorini Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : Google Scholar | Base | Sinta | Garuda | Dimensions Journal Summary
Jurnal Sains Peternakan is a peer review journal published by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. JSP aims to publish unpublished scientific research on all aspects of Nutrition and Animal Feed, Animal Production, Animal Reproduction and Breeding, Animal Product Technology, Animal Socio-Economic and Animal Health aspects.
Grammarly, Mendeley, Unicheck.
Jurnal Sains Peternakan (JSP) is a peer review journal published by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, with registered number ISSN 2579-4450 (online), ISSN 2355-7338 (print). JSP aims to publish unpublished scientific research on all aspects of Nutrition and Animal Feed, Animal Production, Animal Reproduction and Breeding, Animal Product Technology, Animal and Socio-Economic and Animal Health aspects. JSP will publish two issues in a year (June and December). Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using double blind review method. Abstracts and full text that have been published on the website can be read and downloaded for free. For author interested in submitting the manuscript, kindly ÂÂregister yourself.
JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi)
Journal Title : JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi) Initials : JPIG Frequency : Twice a year (March and September) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2540-9077 ISSN (online) : 2540-9832 Editor-in-Chief : Ika Meviana, M.Pd, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia (Sinta ID: 5992553) Publisher : Geography Education Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : Sinta 4 | Google Scholar | JPIG is a journal published by Geography Education Study Program Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang. The first journal was published in September 2016 print and online editions. JPIG is published in March and September. Each issue consists of eight articles. This journal registered in the Crossref system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.21067. JPIG is registered with ISSN number (online) 2540-9832 and ISSN (print) 2540-9077
Focus and Scope
JPIG published all research results in the field of geography studies, include:
- Research in the Field of Geography Education
- Reseach in The Field of Human Geography
- Research in The Field of Physical Geography
- Research on Natural Resources and Environmental Management
- Research on Regional Planning and Development
- Research on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Call for Editors and Reviewers
We invite academics, researchers, and practitioners to become editors or reviewers in JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi). If you are interested, please send us information about yourself, such as your full name, education and degree, affiliation, Google Scholar ID/Scopus ID/Orcid ID/other researcher ID, and the area of expertise. Please sent the data to email
Important For Authors
Reminder for all the authors, you are expected to submit papers that:
- are original and have not been submitted to any other publication
- have references dominated by scientific Journals
- use references published on the last 10 years structured using IMRaD format
- use template specified by JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi)
- recomended to use reference manager e.g. Mendeley or others when managing the references
Thank you
Jurnal Panorama Hukum
Journal title : Jurnal Panorama Hukum Initials : JPH Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2528-1992 ISSN (online) : 2527-6654 Editor-in-Chief : Fahmi Arif Zakaria Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang -
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen
Journal title : Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen Initials : JRMM Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.21067 by ISSN (print) : 2337-5655 ISSN (online) : 2715-7008 Editor-in-Chief : Rita Indah Mustikowati, SE., MM. Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Manajemen (JRMM) terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun (April, Oktober) berisi publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian tugas akhir mahasiswa, karya ilmiah mahasiswa, serta penelitian mahasiswa dan dosen di bidang Manajemen. JRMM diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Alamat penerbit : FEB UNIKAMA, Jl. S. Supriadi No. 48 Malang
Alamat email pengelola :
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Journal title : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Initials : Jdimas Abbreviation : J. Pengabdi. Masy. Frequency : 2 Issues per year (June and December) DOI : - ISSN (print) : - ISSN (online) : 3048-183X Editor in Chief : Duran Corebima Aloysius Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Indexing : - This journal is a scientific publication that aims to document and present the results of community service activities. Community service activities are a real effort to apply the knowledge, skills and resources that exist in the community, to improve their quality of life and well-being. This journal encourages the active participation of researchers, practitioners and academics in contributing to community development and improvement of social conditions. This journal focuses on collaboration between universities, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and local communities.
The articles in this journal cover various topics in the field of community service, including, but not limited to:
1. Education and training programs for the community.
2. Sustainable economic development in remote areas.
3. Health education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
4. Empowerment of women and marginalized groups.
5. Increasing environmental awareness and nature conservation.
6. Development of infrastructure and public facilities.
7. Technological innovation for the benefit of society.
8. Strengthening the capacity of local communities.
This journal accepts research-based articles and literature reviews that discuss successful community service initiatives, the challenges faced, and the resulting impacts and benefits. In addition, this journal also provides space for practitioners' experiences in carrying out inspirational community service programs.By presenting various case studies, policy analysis, and program evaluations, this journal is an important platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in efforts to improve the quality of life of the community. Through collaboration and empowerment, this journal plays a role in advancing society and creating sustainable positive change.
BIMASAKTI : Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Bidang Teknologi Informasi
Selamat datang di website Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Bidang Teknologi Informasi "BIMASAKTI". Merupakan jurnal ilmiah di bidang ilmu Teknologi Informasi yang berada di bawah naungan Prodi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA). Jurnal ini hadir untuk mendorong penyebarluasan pemikiran dan gagasan hasil penelitian tugas akhir mahasiswa di bidang Teknologi Informasi secara luas.
Jurnal ini mulai terbit secara online sejak tahun 2013. Sempat vakum selama kurun waktu 2018 s/d 2022, dan kembali mulai dengan terbitan baru tahun 2023 melanjutkan volume selanjutnya.
Jurnal Riset Mahasiswa Bidang Teknologi Informasi "BIMASAKTI" , Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang (UNIKAMA) mengundang para mahasiswa pada jejang Sarjana dan Pascasarjana untuk mengirimkan artikel dan hasil penelitian, untuk diterbitan secara berkala setiap 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun.
Journal title : JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND COMMUNICATIONS Initials : JISTIC Frequency : 2 Issues every year (Mei & November) DOI : Prefix 10.1010 by Â
ISSN (print) : - ISSN (online) : 3021-8322 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Rini Agustina, S.Kom., M.Pd Publisher : Department of Information System, Faculty of Sains and Technology, PGRI Kanjuruhan University of Malang Indexing : Â The Journal of Information Technology, Information System and Communications aims to provide scientific literature that discusses the development of theory, methods and applied science, especially in the science of information systems, information and communication technology.