https://doi.org/10.21067/jibs.v10i2.8603Kata Kunci:
Zoom Meeting, online learning, convenience, ELTAbstrak
The covid-19 outbreak caused a change in the way of teaching and learning in Indonesia. Zoom Meeting has become the most popular online platform for supporting online learning, especially in English Language Teaching. This study aimed at finding out the students' notion about the convenience of Zoom Meeting application in online learning. This study employed a qualitative approach and used interview guidelines as the instrument. The participants of this study were 6 English Foreign Language students from the ten graders of SMA Brawijaya Smart School that were categorized into high, medium, and low achievers. The result showed that using Zoom Meeting is positively helpful to root English online learning. Students are comfortable and become more active in participating in the class. Thus, it is suggested to teachers optimize the features of Zoom Meeting provided to support English learning both online and hybrid.
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