Panduan Penulis

  1. The manuscript focuses on one of these study areas: linguistics, language education, and literature written both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
  2. The manuscript is in the form of a research article or review article.
  3. The format of submission is Doc or Docx and submitted two months earlier before publication.
  4. General RequirementsLength of paper: The length of the paper should be between 4000 and 6000 words. Page setup: Page size; A4 Margins; top-2,54 cm, bottom-2,54 cm, left-2,54 cm, and right-2,54 cm
  5. Title: The font used in the title is Times New Roman with Size-12, Paragraph Spacing: Before paragraph-1 line; After paragraph-1 line; Position: Center. Author names and affiliations: Please write the complete name without a degree. Present the authors' affiliation (only the name of University) below the author's name. Then, list the e-mail address.
  6. General Rules of Abstract and KeywordsFont; Times New Roman, Size; 11 Paragraph Spacing: Before paragraph – 0.5 line; After paragraph – 0.5 line. The abstract must be written in English with approximately 250 words. Keywords are written in English with a maximum of 5 keywords
  7. For detailed requirements, please download JIBS's submission template.